When: Saturday, FEBRUARY 22 ND , 2025.
Where: Veterans Memorial Building
1626 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR 97405
On-line at http://www.southsidechess.com/tournaments.html.
FREE USCF MEMBERSHIP!!! (For new members and annual renewals, a $20 value).
Trouble with the registration? Simply e-mail name, school, grade, phone, birthdate, zip code and indicate section. ALL GAMES USCF RATED! jerry.ramey@outlook.com OR, text Jerry Ramey at 541-232-0328.
LOTS OF AWARDS AND GIFTS!! All players receive a Spring gift bag! Also, Over 40 Trophies Plus $Money$ prize$.
ADVANCED SECTION: (open to all players) Trophies 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th. ALSO 1 st place: $200; 2 nd place: $125. Best U-1200: $50. Best U-1000 $50. 4 round, G/30; +10. Accelerated pairings possible first round. High schoolers & >800 with 15 or more rated games must play here.
MIDDLE SCHOOL SECTION: (grades 6-8; unrated or under 800). Trophies 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th. Outstanding-Performance Awards. 4 Round, G/30; +10. Accelerated pairings possible first round.
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION: (GRADES 3-5; unrated or under 800). Trophies 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , Outstanding-Performance Awards. 5 Round, G/25;+5.
PRIMARY SCHOOL SECTION: (GRADES K-2; unrated or under 800). Trophies 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th, Outstanding-Performance Awards. 5 Round, G/25:+5.
Primary or Elem players rated >800 but <15 games must play up one section.
All players rated >800 with at least 15 rated games must play Advanced.
Entry Fees (Pre-registered): $40 all sections. $10 service charge for on-site registration. (If pre registered, pay on site with no late fee.)
Check-in and late registration 8:30AM. Advanced & Middle School start 9:00AM sharp. Meeting for younger players 9AM, and Games start 9:30AM. Sets supplied.
Registered latecomers will receive a half point bye for Round #1. Other half-point byes allowed if requested before round #2. Blitz tie-breaks for 1 st place only. Computer tie-breaks for others. All players who tie for a trophy place receive an award. Money prizes divided evenly in case of ties.
Checks to: SOUTHSIDE CHESS, PO Box 5293, Eugene, OR 97405; https://www.southsidechess.com.