The Oregon All Stars Invitational Tournament is back!

Have you been working hard to improve your chess game?

OSCF keeps a list of the top rated players in Oregon for each age group, updated every 3 months. Players who have made the top 10 list in just one of those quarters among active players (players who have played at least one USCF-rated tournament during that quarter), will receive an invitation to the annual All Stars Tournament.

Students who have received the Kathryn Rose Taylor Order of the Knight Award for good sportsmanship at the annual Seaside state tournament are also automatically invited.

The annual tournament, placed on hold since the pandemic, will be held this fall. Our volunteers are currently working on establishing a venue and a date. In the meantime, please make sure to get on the list to have your rating considered for our top players list.

Changes for 2024:

  • Players must submit their information on this form in order to appear in rankings.

  • Rankings are now based on age rather than grade, matching the format of the US Chess Top 100 List.

  • Rankings are now based exclusively on USCF ratings.

How to get on the ratings list before the Sept. 14 deadline!

By submitting your information below, you agree to have your name and rating published by OSCF:

Deadline to be considered for this fall’s All Stars Tournament is Sept. 14. 2024!

To earn an invitation to the All Star Tournament players must: 

  • Live and attend school full-time in Oregon during the time period in question (rising kindergartners who play during the summer are included, as are seniors who graduate in the summer covered by the Summer list

  • Have an established USCF Rating (26 games or more)

  • Play at least one USCF-rated classical game during the relevant period (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December)


  • Invitations are based on peak ratings during the relevant time period, so don't be afraid that losing rating points will affect your invitation.

  • Oregon State Rankings may be published as often as monthly on Official invitation lists will be published quarterly.